19 research outputs found

    Estudi paleodontològic de les restes humanes del jaciment de Forat de Conqueta (Santa Linya, Lleida)

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    L"estudi ha estat realitzat sobre restes dentals recuperades al jaciment de Forat de Conqueta. La majoria de les dents s"han trobat aïllades, fora del suport ossi, la qual cosa n"ha dificultat la identificació i l"estudi. Entre els objectius de l"estudi paleodontològic, volem destacar la determinació d"un nombre mínim i màxim d"individus a partir de les restes. L"estudi ha estat molt limitat a causa de la tipologia funerària (enterrament col·lectiu en cova) i del ritual d"enterrament (cremació parcial). El resultats provisionals assenyalen que el nombre mínim d"individus representats per la mostra estudiada és de 41 i que, d"aquests, fins a sis individus podrien pertànyer a un grup d"edat infantil o juveni

    Update of intra and extra oral causes of halitosis: a systematic review

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    Aim: To systematically review the different causes of halitosis, both intra oral and extra oral. Methods: PubMed-MEDLINE was searched to identify potential relevant studies. The keywords used to search were "halitosis", "bad-breath" and "oral malodour causes". The inclusion criteria involved articles published between 2009 and 2014, written in or translated to English which included reviews, cross-sectional studies, randomised clinical trials, non randomised trials, prospective observational studies and case-control studies. Results: From the 465 studies initially selected, when the inclusion criteria was applied and reviewed by the authors, 39 articles provided relevant information about the aetiology of halitosis. This included 11 reviews, 12 cross-sectional studies, 7 randomised and 2 non randomised trials, 2 prospective observational studies and 5 case-control studies. Conclusion: Halitosis has a complex aetiology, although majority of the studies agree that in 90% of cases, it is linked to an intra oral cause, specifically when Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC) are produced by bacterial decomposition. Coating of the tongue and periodontal disease are the main aetiological factors. More research has to be done to clarify the exact pathophysiological mechanism of halitosis

    Graft materials in oral surgery: revision

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    Oral implantology is a common procedure in dentistry, especially for fully or partially edentulous patients. The implants must be placed in the best location from both the aesthetic and functional point of view. Because of this it is increasingly more frequent to resort to regeneration techniques that use substitutes of the bone itself, in order to be able to insert the implants in the most appropriate location. Material and Methodology: A review was performed on the literature from the last ten years based on the following search limitations: "graft materials', 'allograft', 'xenograft', 'autologous graft" and 'dentistry". Results: 241 works were obtained that after reading their respective summaries, they were reduced to 38, and 9 previous works were included in order to summarize the concepts. Discussion: Autologous grafts are the 'gold standard' of the bone regeneration. They have obvious advantages, but they also have drawbacks. This is why allogeneic and xenogeneic tissues are used. The former because of their clear similarity with the recipient's tissue and the latter due to their wide availability. Given that these grafts also have drawbacks, the industry has developed synthetic materials that have properties similar to those of human bone tissue. However, as of today, the ideal material to substitute human bone has not yet been found. In recent years the tendency has been to combine these synthetic materials with the patient's own bone, which is extracted during drilling in implant placement, with bone marrow aspiration, or with bone morphogenetic proteins. Thus the intention is to equip these substances with the osteogenic capacity. Conclusions: There is currently no ideal graft material, with the exception of those materials that come directly from the patient. We hope that in the coming years we will have products that will allow us to perform rehabilitations with better results and provide a better quality of life for our patients, especially those who have more complex situations to resolve, like the patients that are operated on for head and neck cance

    Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OTSCC): alcohol and tobacco consumption versus non-consumption. A Study in a Portuguese population.

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    There has been an increase in the incidence of carcinoma of the tongue, particularly among alcohol and tobacco non-users. However, he number of studies that would allow a better understanding of etiological factors and clinical features, particularly in the Portuguese population, is very limited. This study was based on patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue that were treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the "Instituto Portugues de Oncologia de Lisboa - Francisco Gentil" (IPOLFG) in Lisbon, Portugal, between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2009. The patients were divided in alcohol and tobacco users and non-users in order to evaluate the differences between these 2 groups based on gender, age, tumor location, denture use, and tumor size, metastasis and stage. Of the 354 cases, 208 were users and 146 were non-users. The main location in both groups was the lateral border of the tongue. Denture use showed no significant effect in both study groups. It was possible to conclude that patients who did not drink or smoke were older and presented with smaller tumor size, lower incidence of ganglion metastasis and lower tumor stage compared with alcohol and tobacco users

    Independent estimates of marine population connectivity are more concordant when accounting for uncertainties in larval origins

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    Marine larval dispersal is a complex biophysical process that depends on the effects of species biology and oceanography, leading to logistical difficulties in estimating connectivity among populations of marine animals with biphasic life cycles. To address this challenge, the application of multiple methodological approaches has been advocated, in order to increase confidence in estimates of population connectivity. However, studies seldom account for sources of uncertainty associated with each method, which undermines a direct comparative approach. In the present study we explicitly account for the statistical uncertainty in observed connectivity matrices derived from elemental chemistry of larval mussel shells, and compare these to predictions from a biophysical model of dispersal. To do this we manipulate the observed connectivity matrix by applying different confidence levels to the assignment of recruits to source populations, while concurrently modelling the intrinsic misclassification rate of larvae to known sources. We demonstrate that the correlation between the observed and modelled matrices increases as the number of observed recruits classified as unknowns approximates the observed larval misclassification rate. Using this approach, we show that unprecedented levels of concordance in connectivity estimates (r = 0.96) can be achieved, and at spatial scales (20–40 km) that are ecologically relevant.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref. PTDC/BIA-BIC/120483/2010Xunta de Galicia | Ref. POS-A/2012/189Xunta de Galicia | Ref. POS-B/2016/032Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia | Ref. SFRH/BD/ 84263/2012CESAM | Ref. UID/AMB/50017 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-00763

    Pyogenic granuloma/Peripheral giant-cell granuloma associated with implants

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    Introduction: pyogenic granuloma (PG) and peripheral giant-cell granuloma (PGCG) are two of the most common inflammatory lesions associated with implants; however, there is no established pathway for treatment of these conditions. This paper aims to illustrate the successful treatment of PG and PGCG and also report a systematic review of the literature regarding the various treatments proposed. Methods: to collect relevant information about previous treatments for PG and PGCG involving implants we carried out electronic searches of publications with the key words 'granuloma', 'oral', and 'implants' from the last 15 years on the databases Pubmed, National Library of Medicine's Medline, Scielo, Scopus, and Cochrane Library. Results: from the electronic search 16 case reports were found showing excision and curettage as the main successful treatment. As no clinical trials or observational studies were identified the authors agreed to present results from a review perspective. Conclusion: this is the largest analysis of PG and PGCG associated with implants published to date. Our review would suggest that PGCG associated with implants appears to have a more aggressive nature; however the level of evidence is very limited. Further cohort studies with representative sample sizes and standard outcome measures are necessary for better understanding of these conditions

    Quando o direito à informação colide com a segurança nacional

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    Existe um equilíbrio, difícil de alcançar, entre o direito à informação e a segurança da sociedade. O primeiro diz respeito à liberdade de criar, armazenar e partilhar conhecimento, fator essencial para o desenvolvimento civilizacional. Mas o livre acesso à informação pode colocar em risco a segurança do Estado, das populações, das instalações críticas e do território. A civilização apenas terá futuro se for resiliente às ameaças e ataques de espiões, terroristas e criminosos. Enquanto o assunto é amplamente debatido nos EUA, Canadá e Reino Unido, existindo regras para o tratamento de informação sensível mas não classificada, ao restante nível Europeu pouco ou nada existe. Pretende-se nesta comunicação analisar os desafios que se colocam aos profissionais de informação na forma de tratar e difundir informação sensível mas não classificada, em termos de confidencialidade, integridade e disponibilidade, de forma abrangente tendo em consideração os riscos que ameaçam a sociedade

    A pioneering epidemiological study investigating the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue in a Portuguese population

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a population living in central and southern Portugal, all treated at Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Study Design: This study was a retrospective review of all patients who had a histopathological diagnosis of SCC of the anterior two thirds of the tongue and had been treated in the Head and Neck Surgery Unit at the IPOLFG (Lisbon, Portugal), between 1st January 2001 and 31st December 2009. The risk factors evaluated were: gender; age; alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prosthesis use and the carcinoma site. Results: Of the 424 cases analysed, 71% were men. Mean age of occurrence was in 5th decade for males and the 6th decade for females, and the border of the tongue was the most common location. Alcohol consumption and tobacco had a lower impact in women, being the most common aetiological factors in the male population. No significant association was observed between patients and the use of a prosthesis. Conclusions: In spite of the consumption of aohol and tobacco starting to decline in certain parts of the world, our findings showed both factors still have a significant impact in male population. Further research should be done to determine aetiological factors in females

    Update of intra and extra oral causes of halitosis: a systematic review

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    Aim: To systematically review the different causes of halitosis, both intra oral and extra oral. Methods: PubMed-MEDLINE was searched to identify potential relevant studies. The keywords used to search were "halitosis", "bad-breath" and "oral malodour causes". The inclusion criteria involved articles published between 2009 and 2014, written in or translated to English which included reviews, cross-sectional studies, randomised clinical trials, non randomised trials, prospective observational studies and case-control studies. Results: From the 465 studies initially selected, when the inclusion criteria was applied and reviewed by the authors, 39 articles provided relevant information about the aetiology of halitosis. This included 11 reviews, 12 cross-sectional studies, 7 randomised and 2 non randomised trials, 2 prospective observational studies and 5 case-control studies. Conclusion: Halitosis has a complex aetiology, although majority of the studies agree that in 90% of cases, it is linked to an intra oral cause, specifically when Volatile Sulphur Compounds (VSC) are produced by bacterial decomposition. Coating of the tongue and periodontal disease are the main aetiological factors. More research has to be done to clarify the exact pathophysiological mechanism of halitosis

    A pioneering epidemiological study investigating the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue in a Portuguese population

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a population living in central and southern Portugal, all treated at Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Study Design: This study was a retrospective review of all patients who had a histopathological diagnosis of SCC of the anterior two thirds of the tongue and had been treated in the Head and Neck Surgery Unit at the IPOLFG (Lisbon, Portugal), between 1st January 2001 and 31st December 2009. The risk factors evaluated were: gender; age; alcohol consumption; tobacco use; prosthesis use and the carcinoma site. Results: Of the 424 cases analysed, 71% were men. Mean age of occurrence was in 5th decade for males and the 6th decade for females, and the border of the tongue was the most common location. Alcohol consumption and tobacco had a lower impact in women, being the most common aetiological factors in the male population. No significant association was observed between patients and the use of a prosthesis. Conclusions: In spite of the consumption of aohol and tobacco starting to decline in certain parts of the world, our findings showed both factors still have a significant impact in male population. Further research should be done to determine aetiological factors in females